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Captura de pantalla 2023-03-16 a la(s) 07.13.56.png

Joan’s on Third


  • Avocado toast with poached egg

  • Yogurt & berry bowl

  • Scrambled eggs & toast


  • Turkey club sandwich (no bacon, light on the mayo)

  • Grilled maple chicken breast sandwich

  • Tuna melt

  • Tip: when having sandwiches, try and remove the top bread and enjoy an open-faced toast


  • Chinese chicken salad (ask for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken)

  • Garden vegetable sandwich

  • Joan’s Cobb Salad (no bacon)


  • Joan’s on Third always has different foods in the deli case and has lots of salads, veggies and proteins like chicken thighs and salmon, which are all great options

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